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3 ideas to graduate out of the poor class

Graduating out of poverty is a significant challenge, but here are three ideas that can help improve one's financial situation over time:


1. Education and Skill Development: Invest in education and skill development to increase your earning potential. Consider vocational training, college, or online courses to acquire valuable skills that are in demand in the job market. Higher education and improved skills can lead to better-paying job opportunities.


2. Budgeting and Financial Management: Practice sound financial management by creating a budget, tracking your expense, and saving money. Live within your means and avoid unnecessary debt. consistently saving a portion of your income and investing wisely can help you build wealth over time.


3. Entrepreneurship and Side Income: Consider starting a small business or a side hustle to generate additional income. Entrepreneurship can provide opportunities to increase your income and gain financial independence. Identify your strengths and explore business ideas that align with your skills and interests.


It is important to set clear financial goals, be patient, and remain committed to making progress. Graduating rom poverty is a long-term journey that requires determination and perseverance. Additionally, seeking guidance and support from community organization, mentors and financial advisors can be valuable in this process.

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Wealth and Poverty


Can one rise from poor to rich in a lifetime?

Rising from poverty to wealth within one's lifetime is a remarkable journey of determination, resilience, and hard work. It often involves overcoming numberous challenges, seizing opportunities, and making wise financial decisions. Many individual who achieve this transformation attribute their success to education entrepreneurship, and a reletless pursuit of their goals. It's a testament to the human spirit's ability to adapt and thrive, and it serves as an inspiration for others to believe the possibilites of upward mobility through dedication and perseverance.


Is Love of Money really Evil?

The Bible is often cited for the saying, :the love of money is the root of all evil," which come from 1 Timothy 6:10. The full verse states, "for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

this verse does not condemn money itself but rather the excessive love and pursuit of wealth at the expense of other values such as faith and morality. It highlights the potential moral and spiritual dangers that can arise when one's primary focus is on the accumulating wealth.

in Christian teaching, it's generally understood that money and material possessions are tools that can be used to good or for ill, and the love of money to the exclusion of other important values can lead to unethical behavior and negative consequences. It is the prioritization of money over more significant virtues that is cautioned against, not money itself.


What does the Bible say about this?

The Bible contains various passages and stories that touch upon themes of poverty and wealth. While it does not explicitly outline a step-by-step guide for rising from poverty to riches in one's lifetime, it does offer guidance on principles like hard work, charity, and faith. Proverbs 10:4, for example, states "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth." This verse emphasizes the value of hard work and diligence in improving one's financial situation.

Additionally, the Bible often encourages acts of charity and helping those in need. Proverbs 19:17 say, "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." This suggests that generosity and helping others can lead to spiritual rewards.

It's important to note that the Bible's teachings are often interpreted and applied in various ways, and individual may find different lessons and wisdoms it it's verses related to poverty and wealth.


Is it easier to live poor?

The question of whether it's easier to live in poverty is subjective and complex. Living in poverty often comes with numerous challenges, including limited access to basic necessities, healthcare, education, and job opportunities. It can be emotionally and physically taxing, leading to stress and hardships. 

However, some people might argue that living with less and having simpler needs can lead to a less complicated and more content life. they may prioritize factors like strong sense of community, family, and relationships over material wealth.

It's important to remember that poverty is not a choice for most people, and it can have serious negative consequences for individuals and communities. The experience of poverty can vary widely, and it's not accurate to make sweeping generalizations about its ease or difficulty. In most cases, individuals and societies strive to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of life for those living in impoverished conditions.

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Throughout our research, not only have we consistenly found out that the basic laws of success boils down to discipline, consistency, and growth. 

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This Website seeks knowledge pertaining to becoming finciancially independent. This knowledge is shared freely. aims to inform people on how to live a fulfilled life.


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Disclaimer: free advice is easily discarded as unimportant. If we aren't invested, we rarely will see it through. Remember, that your problems are important, and I hope you seek an open mind as you diagnose and repair yours or your organization's well being.

List Title

We aim to inspire and educate you toward your financial freedom and life on your ultimate terms. Here's a Growing List of the character traits and mentalities you need to consider in your pursuits. 

Autumn Road

Make a Decision

Wake up, having decided, that you will do whatever it takes to be successful in every attempt at becoming wealthy and happy.

Image by Mitchell Orr

Have Foresight

Predict the roadblocks on the path to your abundant life. Look for signs and opportunities in the every day life. Some times the best move is a 3-1-2 combination.

Image by Mathieu Stern

Invest Invest

Labor is time consuming. We want to learn how to make lots of money and have it work for us. 

Put what little you have now to work with a plan. Seek advice and experiment with smaller amounts until the amount grows. We think differently with some money to our name. 

Image by Pavan Trikutam

Comprehend-- Communicate

Understanding what is going on around us starts with our vocabulary. Niche groups have their jargon.

Study accounting because it's the language of business. Reading and writing is mandatory. The degree of your success hinges on your ability to communicate and comprehend.

Image by Viktor Forgacs

Open for Business

Start a business, side hustle, have something for sale, solve people's problems, or add value to their life.  Serve the people around you and you will be wealthy.

Image by

Thick Skin

They will attack you. They will put you down. Simply because you chose to go for the finer things in life: your freedom and abundant life. Don't lose heart because of their hate, it must happen. 

Haitas motivate us.

Image by engin akyurt

Selective Foundation

Be specific about which foundation your are building. Digital Ramen aims to point out that Biblical Principles are the best way to go. We pursue an abundant life of a son of a king, not of hopeless poverty and illness.

Image by Jack Sloop

Stand Tall

Confidently enter a room. Hold your chest high, walk with purpose. Don't be sloppy or lazy in appearance. Many will not know your worth, but don't let them mistreat you. Show respect, earn respect. 

Image by Cal Bufuku

Dabble in Arts

Enjoy life, colors, music, smells, tastes, and other opinions. It will add to your refinement. Much is said through art. 

There are billions of perspectives, and their are all personal. Art is a window into other's minds and worlds. Afterall, the Creator gave you this one life to experience. Taste, opinion, experience, and life is a truly personal experience.

Image by Furkan Elveren

Seek Growth

Huge gap in the last statement. We Don't know how! We've never been rich, so we don't know how to do it. The personal search for growth must begin.

Image by Thant Aung

Execute with Faith

Know that it'll work out in the end. If you make it work. So make it work. It takes a certain amount of faith to drive a car home, yet, we do it everyday. It'll work out, Just go.

Image by Monthaye

Remove Character Flaws

Self sabotage plagues us all. The person you see in the mirror is you. Be your own role model. It takes character growth to keep the wealth we pursue. Live with yourself happily. Face yourself and learn who you are, so that you can edit your person into someone you're happy with.

Image by Martin Baron

Prioritize Health

Nothing matters if you're ill. Your habits determine the quality and longevity of your life. We pursue this wealth and freedom, t'would be a shame to be cooped up in the hospital bed wishing and regretting.

Image by Yohann LIBOT

Be Resilient

You will fall. Over and Over. So what? Just keep going. It's the only way through. 

Image by Natasha Connell

 Stay Open Minded

No day, or its unfoldings, is the same. Life is Uncertain and Unknown. A moment brief. We must have a good moral compass and a clear plan to start our journey to abundant life. The story is in the unfolding. Embrace adventure, live fully, build properly, earn honestly, love whole heartedly, and new experiences will keep enriching your life.

Image by Ricky  Kharawala

Don't Be Shy

Most regret the chances they never took. The times we didn't get up on that stage haunts us. The girl that got away when nothing was uttered adds acid to the stomach. Opportunities are missed in hesitation and uncertainty.

Image by Oleg Sergeichik


Image by zero take

Work. Hard.

The reward is proportional to the price we pay. The great equalizer of the poor and wealthy is work. The harder you work, the more likely you will achieve your success.

Image by Benjamin Cheng

Cultivate Relationships

The quality of the people you have around you can build or destroy you. Pick your crowd carefully. If you're the wisest in your midst, time for a bigger fish tank. Keep the faithful by your side.

Image by Lukas Blazek

Value your Time

You have only one life. Make it count. Keep in mind, the there is much more to a happy life than chasing the dollar bill. But in this chase, be valuable in your own market so that you can name your price and set your time. When it's time.

Image by Thought Catalog

Discipline Self

Your ability to say "no" to yourself is crucial to your journey. This is such a huge determinant of your success. Can you sacrifice present comfort and time for the benefit of something other than your present comfort? Be disciplined in consumption of mental and physical food.

Image by Natilyn Photography

Humble Yourself

Or get humbled. It's best to be invited up than be told to step down. 

Image by Dipesh Shrestha

Stand your Ground

There will be times when your beliefs and character are tested. Draw your line. Stand on your mound. Identify values worth protecting and fight for those.

Image by Amber Kipp

Stay Self Aware

Understand yourself enough to make good choices for you. Periodic check in the mirror, an occasional journal entry, or some meditation is mandatory to keep tabs on your self.  In order to grow, you need to be honest with yourself.  Most of your problems is you, and you can fix that. Can't you?

Image by The Nix Company

Personal Hygiene

With yourself, the best in your field, and with time.

One day, You will lose time. 

You will always want to better your best. It's what makes life abundant--  the strive, the reach, the climb. Compete with your self. No one else has a purpose like yours.

Image by Start Digital

Pick the Role Models

We need to follow someone that has walked our desired path. In relationships, financials, health and spiritual matter, pick the correct role models. Your life is a chain of learned behaviors and opinions. 

Image by Evan Dennis

Ask the Questions

Have you heard of Chat GPT? Google, Youtube, or any other Search Engine that will bring answers to your finger tips in milliseconds? Stay curious, my friend.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Don't Leave it Unsaid

Many times, we forget to express to our loved ones how much they mean to us. To live a good life, embrace your loved ones with the words and gestures of love and care, they might already know you love them, but say it anyways. 

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